What we are going to do?
Diogenes aims at promoting –in particular through innovative and integrated approaches– gender equality, non-discrimination and social inclusion.
Specifically, the project goal is to address the difficulty that students have to activate information processing in a critical way, regarding a sensitive topic as gender equality. Moreover, it aims to promote- in particular through innovative integrated approaches- shared values, equality, social inclusion, diversity and non-discrimination.
To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the project is going to develop:

Project results
Through the implementation of the activities related to these four Intellectual Outputs, the Diogenes Project aims to obtain the following results:
- Updating of teachers’ skills on basic concepts of gender difference and elements of critical thinking
- The acquisition by teachers of a path made of Laboratory activities to stimulate critical thinking regarding the issue of gender difference.
- The ability, also by the teachers, to apply and experiment with the above mentioned techniques within a class
- The ability to transfer these skills to other fellow teachers who intend to experiment the above techniques in their class.
- The acquisition, by teachers, of community engagement tools to trigger a school / family alliance and raise awareness on the issue of gender difference
- An initial change by pupils of the perception they have about gender difference and about a more critical and aware use of social media.
- An awareness by parents of the most appropriate attitudes to adopt in influencing their children
The TANGIBLE RESULTS of the 3 IO’s are:
IO1 will produce a set of Digital Storytelling laboratories that contain elements of critical thinking and gender equality stimulation IO2 will produce a teacher training course on Digital Storytelling workshops and a set of videos aimed and parents and peers to sensitise on the topic IO3 will produce a very clear and direct list of appropriate and not appropriate attitudes to be adopted with their children, but not only, on the theme of gender equality
Our main target groups
School teachers and key school management staff • Primary and secondary school students • Parents and siblings of school students • Public authorities involved in school education
Intellectual outputs
Digital storytelling laboratories to stimulate critical thinking on the issue of Gender Stereotypes
The IO1 is a set of storytelling laboratories thought ad designed specifically to convey a precise message. This IO is composed of activities to be taught to teachers but whose final user will be children aged 11 years and older, who attend secondary school and who are supposed to be familiar with S.M., are assiduous users and therefore subject to a “bombardment” of information
that comes from the contents in them. These storytelling workshops are aimed at stimulating critical thinking skills with a specific focus on defusing thoughts and attitudes related to gender stereotype. Through these activities, they learn to create stories to be uploaded on social platforms and applications and also acquire the ability to think critically and to analyze and question the information that continuously arrives from media (on gender stereotypes) and will be able to convey, in return, a different message. These workshops are made up of a set of Storytelling activities curricular and extracurricular. Teachers will also be able to use Storytelling activities, embedded in the topic of their lesson.
Training course for teachers on digital storytelling and a set of sensitizing videos for peers and parents
- The creation of a training course for teachers to develop and update their skills in different areas: digital storytelling, the ability to think critically and the stimulus of critical thinking in students, the promotion of gender equality and the conscious use of Social Media tools.
- Schools as protagonists have the role of communicating any further problems linked to the teachers’ skill gap to expert partners (a first report is already the result of O1/A3).
- Experimenting these laboratories and then creating video content to raise awareness of gender equality (O2/A4 and O2/A8).
- Realization and launch of short videos (for parents and peers) to raise awareness and stimulate CT towards gender equality. The videos come as direct subsequent activities of the training for teachers and students and aim to have a global impact on social and cultural level. Will be subtitled in the 6 languages of the partnership.
To Do & Not To Do List
The purpose of the IO3 is therefore to design, implement, experiment a strategies of Parent Involvement and to provide participants with the tools and methods that can be used to sensitize students’ families on gender inequality, while considering the means and methods that can be used to establish a healthy environment in which young people can explore these phenomena and the effects they have or could have on their lives.
The guidelines created will aim to provide teachers, and also parents, with simple but direct indications on what are the most recommended behavior and statements in contrast to the less suitable ones, always intended with a view to defusing the gender stereotype.
INNOVATION: this list undoubtedly represents an element of innovation because it has never been created before for this purpose.
TRANSFERABILITY: the TO DO & NOT TO DO LIST will always be published in OER, which can be used globally and will be in English as well as in the 7 languages of the project partners.